Liverpool Prostate Clinic

“Specialist clinic for the assessment and treatment of all urological diseases and conditions”

Mr.Vishwanath Hanchanale

Consultant Urological & Robotic Surgeon

A Leading Light In Health Care

Mr. Vishwanath Hanchanale  is a consultant urological and robotic surgeon at Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Spire Liverpool Hospital.

Mr. Vishwanath Hanchanale specialist is in the diagnosis and management of prostate, bladder and testis cancer patients. He offers Cancer diagnostic procedures such as local anesthetic prostate biopsy, flexible cystoscopy, transurethral resection of bladder tumors. He excels in robotic prostate and bladder cancer surgeries.

Mr. Vishwanath Hanchanale routinely manage patients with lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS), prostate problems, including elevated PSA blood test and haematuria (blood in pee), erectile dysfunction, bladder dysfunction, renal stones, penile and testicular disorders. I provide a wide range of endoscopic, open and robotic procedures, including circumcision, cystoscopy, excision of scrotal lumps, urinary stone and prostate surgery (TURP).



Happy Patients

Advantages of private urology consultation:

  • Initial consultation is usually within a couple of days.
  • Ability to see the consultant of your choice and you get to be seen by a Consultant ALL THE TIME.
  • An initial consultation 30 minutes gives plenty of time to discuss problems in detail.
  • The cost of private medical care, for those without insurance and is self-paying, is not un-affordable as most people think.


Arranging Private Consultation with Mr. Vishwanath Hanchanale

Option 1: Initial GP appointment to discuss the basic symptoms followed by referral Mr. Hanchanale for specialist urology problems.
Option 2: Self-referral (direct) to see Mr. Hanchanale for Hanchanale for specialist urology problems. If you have insurance, contact your provider before your appointment with Mr. Hanchanale at Liverpool Prostate Clinic.

For any query related urology disease

+0151 391 6243

Call us: +0151 522 1838

Spire Liverpool Hospital, 57 Greenbank Rd, Liverpool L18 1HQ

Wednesday: 8am-1pm ,
Other days: Evenings.